FUE Hair Transplant

Unlike the traditional strip method transplant, FUE does not cause linear scar at the donor, thus making your hair transplant and extremely natural
Unlike the traditional strip method transplant, FUE does not cause linear scar at the donor, thus making your hair transplant and extremely natural and concealed process. FUE technique uses the process of removing hair follicles directly from the donor site using a specially designed tool, and implanting them into the bald or thinning areas.
Like any other hair transplantation technique, FUE also gives natural and permanent results. The balding resistant follicles are most likely to stay on your head for the rest of your life.No Guarantee, as the results may vary from person to person.
Are you a Candidate?
You are a candidate for Follicular Unit Extraction if:
You have permanent hair thinning, receded hairline or a bald head.
You are seeking a minimally invasive hair transplant procedure.
You have insufficient balding resistant hair on your head.
If you have a tight scalp, inappropriate for strip removal method.
Your hair loss is not progressing anymore.
FUE Goals
Follicular Unit Extraction aims at giving you:
A fuller and thicker head of hair.
An enhanced youthful look.
Permanent hairs in a natural way.
A scar free hair transplant with minimum downtime and recovery period.
Pre-op Prepration
The outcome of your hair transplant depends a lot on how well you prepare for the surgery. Here are some tips on how to prepare for FUE transplant:
Stop consuming blood thinners a couple of weeks before the surgery.
Aspirin and aspirin containing pain medications should be avoided 10 to 14 days prior to the transplant.
Quit smoking at least 2 to 3 weeks before the procedure.
Say no to alcohol during the last week prior to the FUE transplant.
Purchase all the medicines prescribed by your surgeon at least one week before your hair transplant.
FUE Procedure
Step 1 – The donor area will b shaved to fully expose the hair follicles and for easy extraction of the follicular units
Step 2 – The surgeon will then draw the recipient area according to how you want your hairline to be. This is to assure that the exact areas of the recipient site are covered by transplanted follicular units.
Step 3 – Local anesthesia will be administered to the donor area to make it numb and make sure you do not feel any pain or discomfort while the follicular units are being extracted.
Step 4 – The surgeon then starts the extraction process. A specially designed punch tool with the diameter less than 1 mm is carefully inserted into the scalp to reach the depth of the roots of the hair follicles. This helps detach the hair from the scalp along with its roots.
Step 5 – The extracted hair follicles are then trimmed under a stereo microscope to remove any extra tissues or fat and obtain grafts of the desired size.
Step 6 – Local anesthesia is again administered, this time in the recipient area. Then the surgeon makes tiny incisions over the entire recipient area.
Step 7 – The surgeon then carefully inserts each graft individually into these tiny incisions to complete the surgery.
Hi I live in the UK and would like to have hair transplant with your selves. Can you please advise? Thanks
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