Botox Injection

Botox Injection Treatment is known for the wrinkle treatment that has given the name of miracle drug of the 21st century is an effective treatment for many cosmetic as well as medical conditions.
Botox Injection
Botox Injection Treatment is known for the wrinkle treatment that has given the name of miracle drug of the 21st century is an effective treatment for many cosmetic as well as medical conditions. Whether you are experiencing the aging signs in the form of visible lines and wrinkles or are suffering from medical conditions like chronic migraines, blepharospasm, lower back pain or excessive sweating, Botox injection treatment men & women can help you get rid of all these problems. It is amongst the most popular non-surgical, minimal invasive and safest treatments.
Botox Candidates
You may be an ideal candidate for Botox treatment if:
You have prominent wrinkles on face, especially in the upper third of the face.
You are suffering from certain medical condition caused by abnormal underlying muscle movement.
You have realistic expectations with the results of treatment.
Botox Treatment Goals
Botox is a muscle relaxer that aims at:
Improving the appearance of wrinkles and creases, especially crow’s feet, frown lines and forehead lines, which are caused by constant movement of underlying muscles.
Treating certain medical conditions like chronic migraines, blepharospasm, lower back pain and excessive sweating – hyperhidrosis.
Botox Conditions
Botox is effective for the treatment of variety of conditions. These conditions include:
Lines and wrinkles – the prominent creases on the facial skin, especially crow’s feet, forehead lines and frown lines, caused by constant movement of facial muscles.
Chronic migraines – migraine aches that are very frequent occurring more than fifteen days a month.
Blepharospasm – abnormal blinking of eyelids caused by abnormal eyelid muscle movement
Lower back pain – chronic pain in the lower back caused by severe spasm in the back muscles.
Hyperhidrosis – excessive sweating in armpits, palms and soles caused by overactive sweat glands.
Botox Preparation
During your pre-treatment visit, our dermatalogist will guide you about the requirements of treatment and what you can expect from it. He will also need to know if you have taken any muscle relaxants, allergy medications or sleeping aids or if you have received any type of Botox injections. You do not need to follow any important preparatory steps prior to treatment. However, you will need to stop using blood thinners to reduce risks of swelling and bruising.